Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Are people becoming too dependant on computers In a well-developed Essay

argon tribe becoming too dependant on calculators In a well-developed , argue for or against nation being too dependent - Essay ExampleNevertheless, with the entry of the internet in the market, people wipe out access to information, an aspect that makes them not to strive while looking for long-lasting solutions. This has reduced the level of invention especially among the young people.Computers have brought a lot of changes, some of which have negative impact on the users. Initially, cases of obesity were very rare. People employ to perform physical work which made them to remain fit. However, in the modern world, many things have been computerized. For instance, the transport system is more effective thanks to computers. Therefore, less people are opting to walk even for short distances (Jacko and Andrew 37). This aspect is having a major impact on the health of the people. Statistics indicate that the number of people suffering from chronic diseases that result from less e xercise is increasing tremendously. If the course of action is not arrested, the situation is likely to worsen each day.Initially, people used to interact and share ideas and concerns. The family members used to meet and discuss on issues that affected their relationship. However, over faith on computers and computer-enabled technologies has affected the relationship between people. This is because computers users have been uneffective to control the judgment of conviction they spend on computers. This has even been accelerated with the entry of the internet. Initially, children used to spend their time playing with their friends. This enabled them to develop physically and psychologically. However, currently, they are spending much of their time chatting with friends or playing computer games. This is having a major effect on their health.Introduction of personal computers has increased peoples reliance on these devices. People are no longer willing to use the traditional means to strike information. This has led to emergence of online courses, libraries, and other important resources. Although this breakthrough has made life easier for the

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